Tuesday, 7 June 2016

The Cricketing Nation - Episode II

Is the world run by people who aren’t afraid to speak their mind; vibrant speakers, imposing personalities, heirs of power; Churchils, Putins and Kims.
Leader by definition is the one who shows the way- the centre of action; the one who ignites the solar-plexus of the clan. (Except may be for Queen Victoria - and a few successful others).

But how many people can flock around a single leader- ten, thousand, a million people. Can one person unite the whole-wide-world under one banner?

Francium, with its 87 nucleons has only a half-life of 22 minutes. 

Infinitely many H2O molecules bound by hydrogen bonds – the weakest form of atomic bond therein- creates this amazing fluid that is water; the giver of life.

In 1973, Mark Granovetter- the American sociologist identified the strength of the weak ties in our society. Within our close nit group of best friends we share strong ties- we like the same stuff, talk about the same stuff, enjoy the same stuff. With the high school mate I meet once a year and the fellow commuter I greet to every morning, I share a weak tie. 
As in water – acknowledging the significance of covalent bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the weak ties – the hydrogen bonds- creates the fluidity of the society- the efficient flow of information.

A closely knit clan, without any weak ties connecting it to the rest of the world will die out because of this limitation itself (like the Boston’s West End Italians). Out-of-the-box doesn’t come within. 

Kusal Janith Perara was temporarily suspended from International Cricket on charges of using banned substances. Behind the screen action by the player, his manager, the SLC, the British legal team, the ICC itself led to the Qatar-based lab retracting there adverse report, clearing the player

The social media rants and subsequent media briefing questions led to the SLC publicly disclosing details, and subsequent denial of ICC, of ICC agreeing to pay for the losses, to SLC, in the fiasco.

In our own closed circuits of information we are true, correct and deserving, only to be proven otherwise by the larger network of realities.